Tile has been used for ages and has proved its reliability.

Tiled house looks beautiful and respectable!

Nowadays two types of tile are produced: natural made of clay and concrete made of cement and sand.

Installation of tiled roofing varies depending on region and natural and climatic conditions.

For our region the European installation system is acceptable.

  • 1. Wind-proof film or membrane
  • 2. Ceramic tile
  • 3. Batten
  • 4. Counter batten
  • 5. Crest tile
  • 6. Ridge pole
  • 7. Lock system
  • 8. Binding rafter
  • 9. Heat insulant
  • 10. Interior finish
  • 11. Vapour barrier insulation

Prices for installation

start from 20 aznper 1 m2

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